A November To Remember

Updated: November 5, 2018

A November To Remember

This is one of the busiest times of year here at ViolinSchool, but I'm going to take a moment out to show you some of what's coming up here at VS towers!

The overhaul of our Digital Library is nearly finished, and if you're a member of ViolinSchool, you'll be getting an email soon to let you know where to login.

Did you know we also welcome member requests for new additions to the library? 

If there's a piece of music you'd like to learn (subject to copyright!), or a technical topic that you need extra help with, tell us what you need.

If it's something that will benefit other learners, we'll get it done for you at no cost (ViolinSchool membership required).

The start of November means the start of The Violin Orchestra for our school in London, but we'll also be making the Violin Orchestra repertoire available to all our members, wherever you are.

You'll be able to build up your performance experience by practising along with the new MIDI score and part videos, which will show you what to play, when to play and how to play!

We made a decision earlier this term to merge the structure and curriculum of our online and offline courses (from our London school). The reason for this is that we've found learners make better and faster progress during offline courses, if they also have access to the same materials online.

A blend of online and offline learning gives a really comprehensive all-round experience, by offering multiple perspectives on core material. It also provides useful patterns of repetition in your learning... exposure to new ideas at different times in different ways helps with both understanding and with retention.

We're updating the online courses right now and members will have access to all of them really soon (we'll email you as soon as they're accessible again on the main ViolinSchool.com website).

Finally, our regular weekly email updates begin again from this week, packed full of new videos and partitions for you to enjoy. If you're not already on our mailing list, make sure you're subscribed so that you receive our newest content each week! We'll send you superb new resources every Thursday, to keep you focused in your violin practice.

Have a great November, and we wish you the very best for your practice sessions over the winter season!

- Simon, ViolinSchool

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