I Am The Captain Of A Pirate Ship (Duet)

Updated: January 7, 2020

I Am The Captain Of A Pirate Ship (Duet)

I Am The Captain Of A Pirate Ship is a favourite Beginner Duet from the book Lollipop Man by Anita Hewitt Jones. It's a great piece for Beginner violinists (Level 1) and is based on the D Major scale in 1st position.

If you're practising the piece on your own, mute the other part on the digital notation player, then you can play a duet with your computer or phone!

Practise singing before you play!

Here are some useful words that you can use - they fit rhythmically with the top line (Part 1):

I am the Captain of a Pirate Ship!
I am the Captain of a Pirate Ship!
Pirate Ship, I'm the Captain of the Ship
Yes I am the Captain of a Pirate Ship
Pirate Ship, I'm the Captain of the Ship
Captain of a Pirate Ship!

Click below to play the piece (VS Member Login required). Don't forget to mute the other part so that you can play along with your computer!

Download I Am The Captain Of A Pirate Ship

(VS Membership required!)

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