Violin Orchestra at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival - August 2021

Updated: August 11, 2021

Violin Orchestra at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival - August 2021

Livestream & Music Video

The Violin Orchestra travelled to Edinburgh last week, to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival on Saturday 7th August.

The Violin Orchestra is a unique orchestra for violinists of every age and level.

Because we use our own musical arrangements for each project, it’s possible for anyone to join in – whether you are a beginner violinist who has only been playing for a few weeks, or an advanced player with a lot of experience of playing in orchestras!

Just choose the part that’s the right level for you.

The Violin Orchestra concert was hosted by St Mary's Cathedral in Palmerston place, where the Orchestra repeated the program they had played in London a few weeks earlier:

The concert was livestreamed on YouTube, so it could be watched from anywhere in the world.

Several Violin Orchestra members who couldn’t travel to Edinburgh also joined in with the concert remotely, by connecting through a dedicated zoom link and appearing with the orchestra in real time.

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is a unique event where, in non-pandemic times, performers of all types from all around the world descend on Edinburgh for three weeks of organized chaos! Creativity comes first ...

Groups traditionally promote their concerts on Edinburgh’s ‘Royal Mile’ (high street), which is where a group of violinists from the Violin Orchestra were spotted by Channel 4 News, for this segment about the festival:

Soon May the Wellerman Come

The following day, the orchestra traveled east from Edinburgh, along the Lothian coast, with coach driver extraordinaire (and theatre technician) Mark Fleming from Coach Hire Edinburgh.

“I brought my drone” were his first words as the orchestra boarded the bus… and indeed he had! We ended up with some extraordinary drone footage of the orchestra playing at locations including Leith, New Haven, and Musselburgh Harbour…

Wellerman is the latest in a series of music videos that the Violin Orchestra is creating for ViolinSchool‘s YouTube channel.

You can see our latest video, Abdelazer, and enjoy more videos from ViolinSchool and the Violin Orchestra here:

We‘ll be putting together video highlights of the trip, so watch this space!

And if you’re in Edinburgh… Maybe see you in 2022?

Find out more about the Violin Orchestra and how you can join in and take part!

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