If you’ve ever found your fingers have drifted out of tune without you realising it, then you’re falling into the same trap as the boiling frog!

Do you know the apocryphal story? It’s not very nice, so if you’re a frog lover, brace yourself…

A scientist places a frog in a pan of boiling water, and the frog immediately jumps out again, because it feels the heat! It reflexively understands that will be boiled alive if it doesn’t escape straight away…

The scientist then puts the frog in a pan of cold water, and sloooowly heats up the pan, until the water is boiling. The frog doesn’t realize that the water is heating up until it is too late...

Poor frog!

With your left hand finger placement, don’t be the boiling frog!

If you’re only ever thinking about the next finger placement, you’re not going to notice what’s going on around you … just as the frog didn’t notice that the scientist was heating up the pan of water!

Be aware of what's going on around your fingers

The thing is, good intonation requires not only a clear sense of what the next pitch is …

… but also an objective awareness of where your hand is in space and time!

Here’s a useful exercise that you can apply to any scale, piece, or indeed any other piece of music that you might be looking at in your practice!

  1. Play a 'reference pitch' (for example your open string, a note on a pitch app, or a note on a keyboard or piano), so that you know you are starting in tune.
  2. Sing the first note of what you need to practise
  3. Prepare to play that note on the violin. Think about where your finger needs to land, what your hand position is, and what the note will sound like. CHECK YOUR CHECKLIST!
  4. Play the note! Check if it’s in tune or not. If not, go back and do it again.
  5. Sing the second note of what you need to practise.
  6. Prepare to play that note, as before. Don’t forget to CHECK YOUR CHECKLIST!
  7. Play that note! Check if it’s in tune or not. If not, go back and do it again.
  8. Continue like this, note by note!

If you do this slowly and carefully, whilst listening deeply to what you are playing, carefully imagining the sound of the next note each time, then soon you will be playing more in tune.

But as you do this, remember what happened to the boiling frog … make sure to check your hand and arm position every time you change note!

Then you'll always be aware of what is going on around your fingers ... in particular, whether your hand and arm position is correct!

One of the things you’ll always hear us say as we start people off on the violin for the first time – especially in our Violin Fundamentals classes - is "check your checklists"!

This is because checklists are superb tools for remembering complex sequences of tasks. And there are few things that require more complex sequences of tasks than playing the violin!

Even if you completed a set of actions many times before, what you do will be significantly more secure and reliable if you use a checklist – even if you’ve done the task thousands of times before!

Novice or Expert - Eliminate More Mistakes!

A classic example of this is how pilots use checklists to manage complex sequences of tasks when flying planes.

It doesn’t matter how experienced the pilot is – they still use a checklist. It just eliminates the possibility of being distracted for a moment, and accidentally missing a step.

(If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we highly recommend The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande).

Handle Complex Tasks With Ease

When playing the violin, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, you are dealing with a lot of simultaneous complexities.

For this reason, checklists are a useful – perhaps even essential! – tool for ensuring that your technique is balanced and consistent at all times.

Here are two checklists we use almost every week at ViolinSchool, to help learners build up consistency and reliability in their violin playing technique:

The Body Checklist (for good posture)

This list is a reminder of how your body should be, before you pick up the violin.

Take a moment to think through each part of the body, to make sure that it is positioned exactly how it needs to be, and that it is relaxed and free.

Do you have good body posture, before you pick up the violin?

The Right Arm/Hand Checklist

This checklist is a reminder of how you need to be positioning your bow arm and hand, in order to give yourself the best chance of creating a smooth, clear and beautiful sound at all times.

The technical topics that are necessary to make best use of checklists include the core bow strokes, bowing technique, and tone production.

They're covered in detail in our Violin Fundamentals program for beginner violinists.

The new academic year is about to begin, and that means it's time for our new Lessons and Coursebooks to be unleashed upon the world!

Over the summer, we've been updating many of ViolinSchool's courses ... and of course our printed coursebooks too!

The new (2021/2022) editions of our Coursebooks will start shipping in September 2021. If you're already enrolled at ViolinSchool for the Autumn Term onto one of our courses, then yours will be in the mail to you before the start of term!

If you're not enrolled at ViolinSchool, you can still order Coursebooks! They're now available to pre-order here:


Livestream & Music Video

The Violin Orchestra travelled to Edinburgh last week, to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival on Saturday 7th August.

The Violin Orchestra is a unique orchestra for violinists of every age and level.

Because we use our own musical arrangements for each project, it’s possible for anyone to join in – whether you are a beginner violinist who has only been playing for a few weeks, or an advanced player with a lot of experience of playing in orchestras!

Just choose the part that’s the right level for you.

The Violin Orchestra concert was hosted by St Mary's Cathedral in Palmerston place, where the Orchestra repeated the program they had played in London a few weeks earlier:

The concert was livestreamed on YouTube, so it could be watched from anywhere in the world.

Several Violin Orchestra members who couldn’t travel to Edinburgh also joined in with the concert remotely, by connecting through a dedicated zoom link and appearing with the orchestra in real time.

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is a unique event where, in non-pandemic times, performers of all types from all around the world descend on Edinburgh for three weeks of organized chaos! Creativity comes first ...

Groups traditionally promote their concerts on Edinburgh’s ‘Royal Mile’ (high street), which is where a group of violinists from the Violin Orchestra were spotted by Channel 4 News, for this segment about the festival:

Soon May the Wellerman Come

The following day, the orchestra traveled east from Edinburgh, along the Lothian coast, with coach driver extraordinaire (and theatre technician) Mark Fleming from Coach Hire Edinburgh.

“I brought my drone” were his first words as the orchestra boarded the bus… and indeed he had! We ended up with some extraordinary drone footage of the orchestra playing at locations including Leith, New Haven, and Musselburgh Harbour…

Wellerman is the latest in a series of music videos that the Violin Orchestra is creating for ViolinSchool‘s YouTube channel.

You can see our latest video, Abdelazer, and enjoy more videos from ViolinSchool and the Violin Orchestra here:


We‘ll be putting together video highlights of the trip, so watch this space!

And if you’re in Edinburgh… Maybe see you in 2022?

Find out more about the Violin Orchestra and how you can join in and take part!


ViolinSchool‘s blog is returning for the 2021/22 season. This will be the place to find all the most recent updates on ViolinSchool.

Our new feature articles and videos will also be published here, before moving across to our learning center or YouTube channel.

If there’s something you’d particularly like us to write about, Please send in your suggestions!

And don’t forget to check back regularly to see what’s new.

2021/22 Academic Year

We’re excited to get started with the new academic year… If you haven’t already registered, come and join us with a full enrollment or a Term Pass If you’re an adult learner.

Or if you are a parent and your child is learning, take a look at our newly updated children’s course in London (or contact us to learn about our remote learning trial if you are not based in the UK!)

Find out more about all of ViolinSchool's courses here:


Or read more about our London school here:


We look forward to seeing you!

Information For Continuing Learners:

Earlybird! Re-Enrolment now available for a limited time
Save $70 / €50 / £50 when you enrol today!

If you are re-enrolling at ViolinSchool for Autumn Term, read on to see the options that are available to you as a continuing learner!

Earlybird Enrolment has now opened for Autumn (Fall) Term 2021, and you can save up to $70/£50 on all re-enrolments, only until 11th July.

(You don't need a discount code this time - the reduced rate is automatic if you register online by Sunday 11th July).

Next Term's Dates

Ensembles begin mid September
Term Time: Monday 20th September to Saturday 4th December
Half Term: 26th-31st October
Christmas Concert: Saturday 11th December

1) Start Your Next Course ...

If you're nearing the end of Course A, B or C, you feel comfortable with the topics in your current course, and are well on track with your progress this term, then you may wish to move on to the next course in the sequence.

You can find the info and registration pages below:

Enrol Now - Violin Course

... or Term Pass (for Course D & above)

If you have completed Course D, you are eligible for a Term Pass, which gives you access to all workshops and ensembles.

In the future, we will be extending our core training sequence beyond Course D. As a continuing learner, you will be given complimentary access to these new core training courses as part of your Term Pass, at no extra cost.

You are also welcome to repeat Course D as many times as you wish.

Enrol Now - Term Pass


2) Repeat Your Current Course

If you feel like there are topics and materials from your current course that you haven't mastered yet, then we'd recommend repeating your course.

We regularly refresh class materials, so although the topic sequence will stay the same, you'll enjoy a combination of new activities and repertoire that you haven't tried before, as well as pieces and technical exercises that you already know.

Re-enrol here:

3) 'Alumni' Membership

Available until Sunday 11th July

If you're not planning to join a full course next term, but would still like to stay connected to the ViolinSchool community and have continued access to learning and practice resources, a low-cost alumni membership option is available so that you can remain a member of the school once your current enrolment ends.

(This is also a great option if you're taking some time out from learning violin, or you're unsure of your short term plans, but want to keep practising regularly and/or continue learning in the near future!)

You'll have continued access to:

  • All of the Digital Library learning resources and practice tools
  • The Social Learning Network online community
  • All Courses that you have already completed from the core sequence
  • All new materials (pieces, backing tracks, music sheets, tutorial videos) published by ViolinSchool
  • Updates to your existing courses whenever they are change or have new materials added to the sequence
  • Member rates at future ViolinSchool events
  • Support ViolinSchool's mission to bring high quality violin education to as many people as possible

This usually costs $39 or £29 per month, but until Sunday 11th July you have the option of joining us at an 'Alumni' rate of USD $13 / EUR €11 / GBP £10

Alumni membership is offered to you exclusively because you have completed at least one ViolinSchool course. The cost will stay the same for as long as your subscription remains active. You can cancel the membership at any time if you find you are longer need it.

You can register for Alumni membership any time before Sunday 11th July, here:

Register for Alumni Membership

The Earlybird discount on all courses is available now, until Sunday 11th July 2021 (the day after the first concert).

If you have any questions about the course sequence or would like to talk to us about the best next steps for your learning, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us at [email protected].

With best wishes,

The ViolinSchool Team

In the G minor scale, we use Finger Pattern 2 on the G string, then Finger Pattern 1 on the D string, but with the 1st finger extended back.

View the lesson in Course C:

Without using the bow, let's learn how to tap the 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers in the right place ... first on your arm, and then on your violin!

View the lesson in Course A:

Check your hand shape before you start! These finger patterns will help you develop your left hand technique and make your fingers fast and strong!

View the lesson in Course B:

Here is a piece of music in which the tune comes back again and again. In bars 13 to 16, you can create your own melody in a similar style!

View the lesson in Course C:

B sits on the middle line and the tail can go either up or down. B sits next to Open String A on the stave, and is played with the 1st finger.

View the lesson in Course A:

These two songs are based on the scales of G and D. Play them through without stopping, and remember to keep a steady beat throughout!

View the lesson in Course B:

A syncopated musical rhythm, where a very short note is followed by a long one, is called a scotch snap. Here are some rhythms featuring the scotch snap for you to practise!

View the lesson in Course C:

Learn notes quickly by tapping different parts of your body with both hands. Each part of the body represents a different note!

View the lesson:

We place the fingers on the strings of the violin to create the notes. Here are some 'finger numbers' and grid patterns that you can use to make it easier!

View the lesson in Course A:

This uplifting tune has become one of the most popular melodies on earth … play it with lots of expression, and don't forget the dynamics!

Download it from the library page:

This exciting tune from Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' needs to be played quite fast!

Download it from the library page:

Or view the lesson in Course B:

Check these sums carefully ... there’s a mixture of plus and minus symbols!

View the lesson in Course C:

Here is a tune to sing whilst you bring the violin into playing position. Try it without the violin first!

Download it from the library page:

Or view the lesson in Course A:

Bear Dance (Course A) is great for practising rapid string crossings and quick, short, energetic bow strokes on open strings! It's not so great for downstairs neighbours, as you'll see...!

Download it from the library page:

Or view the lesson in Course A:

This Rhythm Bank from Course B introduces Mixed Rhythms in 2/4 Time. Feel a count of two beats in each bar as you clap and play these rhythms!

VS Members can download it from the library, or practice it in from the lesson page in Course B.

Play this beautiful duet as expressively as you can!

Practise all the big intervals slowly, until your slurred string crossings are smooth and perfectly in time!

Here's the Lesson Version:


... and here's the Library version!

Yes, absolutely!

In fact, a lot of learners at ViolinSchool do take private 121 lessons with a local tutor, as well as working through the ViolinSchool courses and curriculum, and attending our events and group classes.

It's a great way to to learn, and many people appreciate having a personal relationship with someone they know, to keep them accountable with their progress.

Your tutor doesn't need to be associated with ViolinSchool. Everyone is welcome here, whether you're learning on your own, or elsewhere!

If you don't have a private tutor, or want to learn mainly on your own, then the ViolinSchool Coaching Program is a good halfway option.

You still get accountability and support when you need it, and some 121 coaching time as well. It's significantly less expensive than regular private lessons.

But it's not 'either / or'. If you take part in our Courses and Coaching Program, you'll probably still benefit a lot from having 121 lessons with someone you know. And if you want to learn super-fast, it's a must-have!

The ViolinSchool team also teach 121 lessons privately, outside of ViolinSchool. Caroline teaches children and their parents via Zoom, Simon and David run a private teaching studio together in Westminster, and Marisol is available for private tuition in Southeast London (and via Zoom).

If you'd like private 121 tuition with any of the ViolinSchool team, just send an enquiry via ViolinSchool ([email protected]) and our advisory team will forward it on!

Alternatively, ask around for a good teacher in your area. Local music shops or orchestras are often a good place to start. ViolinSchool can often recommend a tutor to you (particuarly useful if you're using ViolinSchool coursebooks and course material).

Then you can get the best of both worlds - a strong, well-tested program and resources with class-based learning from ViolinSchool, and a personal, 121 relationship with a good 121 violin teacher to help you reach your goals.

Find out more today about how ViolinSchool's Courses and Curriculum can help you to achieve your goals, and reach a level of violin playing beyond what you dreamed was possible!

Give us a call on +44 (0) 20 3051 0080, or email [email protected] today for a free setup call with one of our learning advisors, and we'll recommend the best place for you to start!

p.s. does your teacher know about ViolinSchool Teacher Services? We offer a whole series of support options for teachers too, including an annual Teacher Training course, personalised book orders, and teacher access to the ViolinSchool library and course material. Please let them know!


41 Whitcomb Street
London, WC2H 7DT

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 (0) 20 3051 0080
© Copyright 2022 - ViolinSchool - All Rights Reserved
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