Autumn Term starts in 3 weeks...!

Updated: August 28, 2020

Autumn Term starts in 3 weeks...!

September again ... How did that happen?!

Anyway, as the world continues on its crazy journey through 2020, some things still remain certain ... September is one of the most popular times of year for starting to learn the violin!

Here at ViolinSchool, we've just finished our inaugural Teacher Training Course in Dublin at the Royal Irish Academy of Music, and we're now looking ahead to the Autumn Term, which begins on 21st September.

The first batch of our new Coursebooks have arrived (they're gorgeous!), and we'll be opening pre-orders for the books in the coming days.

Our popular Zoom Practice Sessions shift to Thursdays from this week, and are open to learners anywhere in the world ... just send us an email if you'd like to drop in on a session!

The Coaching Program is now open for learners anywhere in the world to take advantage of the guidance that my amazing Coaching Team (including David Worswick and Caroline Lumsden) has to offer.

And if you're in London, you can find out more about what's going on at the London school in our Autumn 2020 welcome letter.

Now's a perfect time to get started with the violin, so get in touch with us today at [email protected] or give us a call on +44 (0) 20 3051 0080, and we'll recommend the best place for you to start!

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