The Best Violin Shops in London, England in 2024

Updated: January 2, 2024

The Best Violin Shops in London, England in 2024

Scroll down this page to see the full listings!

Here in London we are fortunate to have some of the very best violin shops in the world, and on this page you’ll find comprehensive listings of some of the very best places to buy a violin, or to have yours maintained or serviced.

While we maintain impartiality, our insights reflect the feedback from our network of teachers and learners in the UK, and we update this listing regularly to provide an accurate portrayal of each shop's services and strengths.

London hosts a variety of string shops, catering not only to violins but also to violas, cellos, and bass instruments. Although we are focused on violins, almost all of the shops here will cater for all string instruments.

Every listing here features specialist violin (or string) shops that are physically located within the area of London, England. Some of the London violin shops also offer online services too, but we don’t focus on that here.

General music retailers usually offer entry-level violins for sale, in the form of a 'beginner violin outfit'. And of course, you'll find a diverse selection of options on the internet. But we don't cover either general or online retailers here, and where possible, we always recommend to visit a violin shop in person.

This is because you will often get a far better experience than buying online, due to the expertise of professional luthier workshops. They will be able to set up an instrument in reliable way that is personalised to you, and will give you a much better playing experience. And for beginners, a shop can tune your instrument too!

Types of Violin Shops

There are various different types of establishments that you will find on London's violin scene. Each plays a different role in the world of stringed instruments, so it’s important to know where to begin. But there’s a lot of overlap between these different shop types, so be aware that many places fit into more than one category. If in doubt, phone or email first to see if an appointment is required

Violin Shops (String Shops): These are dedicated spaces, often with a street shopfront, specialising in a range of instruments, including violins, violas, cellos, double basses - and of course, bows! They offer a diverse selection, suitable for players at various levels. Most violin shops also double as ‘dealerships’ for higher-value instruments. But they’re friendly starting points for beginner violinists too!

High-End Violin Dealers: Distinguished from general violin shops, high-end dealers focus on curating a collection of fine instruments crafted by renowned makers, but don’t offer services for entry-level beginner violinists. Some dealers have a shopfront, but most operate from private premises and by appointment only.

Dealerships are often run or owned by luthiers who are also violin makers or restorers, and will usually contain a specialist workshop with craftspeople who are experts at restoring and repairing vintage and high-value instruments. These establishments cater to professional musicians and serious enthusiasts, and generally offer a selection of instruments that have exceptional craftsmanship, tonal quality, and historical significance … and prices to match!

Violin Auction Houses: Auction houses provide a platform for buying and selling violins through auctions. Like dealers, they often handle instruments of historical significance, including those crafted by renowned makers such as Stradivari and Guarneri. Musicians, collectors, and investors then bid competitively for each instrument.

Increasingly, auction houses also offer lower-value auctions for quality instruments that are not of a high-end ‘vintage’ price bracket. These are usually referred to as ‘affordable’ auctions!

Individual Luthiers: Luthiers are skilled craftspeople who make and/or repair or restore violins and other stringed instruments. A good luthier will generally be able to provide many of the same services that you would receive from the workshop of a violin shop or a violin dealer.

However, as independent businesses with limited capacity, they will often specialise in specific areas, for example bow repair, restoration of a particular instrument type, or making of their own instruments.

Considerations for Choosing a Violin Shop

It’s obviously important to select the violin shop that’s right for you. Factors that you should take into account include:

  • Type of shop
  • Customer feedback
  • Services offered
  • Types of instrument and accessories
  • Price and budget
  • Location and convenience for you
  • People and relationship

It’s worth taking the time to get this right, because if you are playing the violin for any length of time, you will likely find yourself returning again and again to your favourite violin shop for repairs, maintenance, upgrades, and more!

Violin Shops in London

These violin shops in London generally have a street shopfront, and offer a wide range of services for all ages, levels and budgets.

Stringers of London - Marylebone

About: Stringers of London is a specialist violin, viola and cello shop that sells, repairs and values instruments. They offer repair and restoration services for stringed instruments in their in-house workshop.

Location: 99 Lisson Grove, London NW1 6UP

Services Provided: Sales, Hire, Repair, Restoration, Valuation, Instrument Travel Documentation, Zoom Appointments



JP Guivier - Oxford Circus

About: JP Guivier is a violin shop that sells, repairs and values instruments. They offer a range of accessories and an in-house workshop, and have been trading in London since the 1860s.

Location: 99 Mortimer St, London W1W 7SX

Services Provided: Sales, Repair, Restoration, Valuation



Bridgewood & Neitzert

About: Bridgewood and Neitzert is a violin shop that offers a wide range of different stringed instruments catering to all string players, from students to professionals. They have been trading in London since 1982, and also offer high quality repair and restoration services.

Location: 146 Stoke Newington Church St, London N16 0JU

Services Provided: Sales, Repair, Restoration, Valuation, Instruments for Schools, Insurance



Violin Dealers in London

These violin shops generally specialise in fine instruments, and do not provide services such as large-scale instrument rental for schools, children’s instruments, and mass-produced beginner instruments.


J & A Beare

About: J & A Beare is an international violin dealership that has been trading since the 1890s, specialising in the sale of fine stringed instruments. They are also involved in publishing, conservation and research, and philanthropic projects through their International Violin Society.

Location: 30 Queen Anne St, London W1G 8HX

Services Provided: Sales, Restoration, Repair, Valuation, Authentication, Certification



Florian Leonhard Fine Violins

About: Florian Leonhard Fine Violins is an instrument dealer specialising in the sale of rare Italian violins. The company is led by violin-maker Florian Leonhard and the workshop produces unique ‘true copy’ instruments - close copies of vintage instruments by contemporary makers.

Location: 3 Frognal Ln, London NW3 7DY

Services Provided: Sales, Restoration, Repair, Valuation, Authentication, Certification



Bishop Stringed Instruments

About: Founded in 2004, Bishop Strings, led by Sean Bishop, sells a range of instruments, including Stradivari and Guadagnini, and specializes in the sale of modern Italian violins and fine bows.

Location: 2nd Floor, 92-93 Great Russell St, London WC1B 3PS

Services Provided: Instrument and Bow Sales, Bows, Instrument Insurance & Valuations, Certificates, CITES letters




About: MyLuthier is a London-based company that sells high-quality violins, violas, cellos, and bows, by contemporary makers, selected by professional musicians. The instruments they sell are available for trial at their showroom in the City of London.

Location: 49 Little Britain, London EC1A 7BH

Services Provided: Sales, Repair, Documentation



Auction Houses for Fine Violins

These auction houses generally specialise in fine violins. They will usually present viewings of instruments in advance of each auction, usually at a venue in Central London.

Ingles & Hayday

About: Ingles & Hayday is a global leading auction house that specialises in fine and rare musical instruments. They hold two fine and rare instrument auctions every year in London and also offer a private sale service for purchase and sale of fine instruments and bows.

Location: 77 Great Titchfield St., London W1W 6RF

Services Provided: Auction, Private Sale



more listings coming soon!


Questions & Suggestions

We hope this guide to London’s best violin shops has been helpful to you!

We are so fortunate to have here in London one of the very best music scenes anywhere in the world, and this is reflected by the quality of the luthiers and instrument specialists who live and work here.

Whether you're seeking the expertise of established violin shops, the rare gems presented by auction houses, or the personal touch of individual luthiers, we hope that you will take the time to connect with people that you will come to know, like and trust as they guide you through the complicated and fascinating world of musical instruments.

We will be updating this guide regularly, therefore if you have suggestions or updated information, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We really appreciate you taking the time to help us keep this guide updated so that it is useful for everyone!

We wish you the very best in your journey with the violin!

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