Last Call for Creative Strings Workshop!

Updated: September 1, 2020

Last Call for Creative Strings Workshop!

The Creative Strings Workshop with Christian Howes closes today - it's your last chance to enrol!

The course, which is highly recommended by all of us here at ViolinSchool, will lead you on a 7-week creative adventure through the world of harmony and improvisation.

We particularly like Chris's approach, because he draws such profound connections between different styles of learning, and gets you playing instinctively, whilst feeling the most fundamental elements of rhythm, and harmonny.

He's also one of the first violinists ever to produce a comprehensive framework for understanding harmony and improvisation - extraordinarily, this wasn't considered to be an important part of traditional ('classical') violin training up until just a few years ago - and in some places, still isn't!

Creative Strings Workshop puts this right, which is why we recommend it so highly. Check out this exclusive lesson below from Christian (you can play along right now, with your violin!):

Enrolment closes today, so it's your last chance to take part in this season! Click on over to Creative Strings Online right now to find out more about the course!

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