Rolling Hills

Title: Rolling Hills

Description: Up and down we go over the rolling hills. A great little piece for practising lifting and dropping the first finger of the left hand … up and down … up and down … …

Level: Level 1

Topics: 1st Finger. Slurs with dotted rhythms.

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Heads or Tails

Title: Heads or Tails

Description: Heads or Tails? ... To be or not to be? ... One scoop or two? ... Open string or first finger? These are the big questions! Let's practise lifting and dropping the first finger.

Level: Level 1

Topics: 1st Finger and slurs. Accidentals

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Polka Dot, Polka Dot

Title: Polka Dot, Polka Dot

Description: We’re dotty about this lovely piece for beginners! It's full of delightful dotted rhythms and smooth, slurred string crossings, gently swaying from bar to bar ...

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. Rhythms within slurred string crossing (3 different note values)

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Cock A Doodle Doo

Title: Cock A Doodle Doo

Description: Rise and shine! The perfect piece to play at the crack of dawn! Great for practising dotted rhythms and quick, slurred string crossings … cock a doodle dooooooooo!!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. Slurred string crossing with dotted rhythms

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Riding the Waves

Title: Riding the Waves

Description: This fun open string piece is great for practising string crossings in slurred bows. Move back and forth smoooooothly between the strings, like an ocean wave!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. Rhythms within slurred String Crossing (2 different note values)

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A Clean Sweep

Title: A Clean Sweep

Description: Swishhhhh … with each line, imagine that the tide is coming in, or going out, and phrase the melody accordingly! For this piece, you’ll only need the 1st and 2nd fingers of the left hand.

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. 6/8, Slurs and multiple String Crossing

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Snakes and Ladders

Title: Snakes and Ladders

Description: Practisssssse your ssslurs and sssssssssmooth ssssstring crossssssings!! Keep the right arm fluid and relaxed; try to avoid any sudden jerking movements!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. Slurs and multiple String Crossing

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Smooth Ride

Title: Smooth Ride

Description: Doors … check! Seatbelt … check! Mirrors … check! Goooooooooo! Practise smooth bow changes, smooth slurs, and smooth string crossings for a smooth, smooth ride!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. Slurs across strings.

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Runner Beans

Title: Runner Beans

Description: A piece that’s full of beans! Great for practising dotted rhythms in 6/8 time. Aim for a quick, lively tempo and controlled, contained bow movements.

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. 6/8 with dotted rhythms

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Title: Clippety-Clop

Description: Clippety-clop … Come and trot with us in 6/8 time! There are two main beats in each bar … clop, clop!! … and each beat is divided into three … cli-ppe-ty, cli-ppe-ty!!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. 6/8

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Jumping Jelly Beans

Title: Jumping Jelly Beans

Description: Is it a Bird? ... Is it a Plane? ... No! ...It’s a Jumping Jelly Bean! Jump across the strings very rapidly indeed ... with single, double, & triple string crossings!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. String Crossing with Dotted Rhythms

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Title: Marionettes

Description: Manipulate your bow like a master marionettist … cross strings nimbly and cleanly … and perform the sixteenth notes (semiquavers) with complete control!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. Rapid Semiquaver String Crossings

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Title: Hippity-Hop

Description: Hop to it! Hop, skip, and jump across the open strings and watch out for all the rests! It’s a tricky piece, so take it slowly at first … Don’t go hopping mad!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. String Crossing with Rests

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The Grasshopper

Title: The Grasshopper

Description: The Grasshopper loves to jump from string to string! In this exclusive ViolinSchool piece, you’ll need to move your bow quickly and cleanly between the strings.

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings

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Bows and Arrows

Title: Bows and Arrows

Description: Load, draw, aim, fire! Time for some target practice. This piece moves quickly between arco – bowing – and pizzicato (pizz.) – plucking. Steady hand required!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings. Maintain bow hold whilst going from arco to pizz

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Hop, Step, and Jump

Title: Hop, Step, and Jump

Description: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Hop nimbly across the triplets, move up and down in step using only the first finger of the left hand, and jump across the strings fearlessly!!

Level: Level 1

Topics: 1st Finger

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First Impressions

Title: First Impressions

Description: Make a great first impression, by placing your first finger accurately on each of the strings ... then crossing from one string to another!

Level: Level 1


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First Past the Post

Title: First Past the Post

Description: A lively, exuberant piece in A major that’s great for getting the first finger of the left hand in shape. Ready … Steady … Gooooooooooooooo!

Level: Level 1

Topics: 1st Finger

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Drip, Drop

Title: Drip, Drop

Description: Come and sing in the rain with us! A lovely piece for practising lifting and dropping the first finger of the left hand … make sure it’s landing in tune and in time!

Level: Level 1

Topics: 1st Finger, bit more complexity

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Riding Free

Title: Riding Free

Description: Lift and drop the first finger to turn those wheels and ride freeeeeeeeee! Make sure your hand is stable and well-positioned to avoid any nasty accidents!

Level: Level 1

Topics: 1st Finger

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Open Sesame!

Title: Open Sesame!

Description: Open Sesame! is a great little piece for practising accents, two beat rests, and string crossings between all four of the violin's open strings.

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings

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We Have Lift Off!

Title: We Have Lift Off!

Description: Time for some dynamics! Go from quiet to loud, to quiet, to very loud, to infinity and beyond!! Think about the speed, weight and contact point of the bow.

Level: Level 1

Topics: Open Strings

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Fix That Tap!

Title: Fix That Tap!

Description: Somebody fix that tap!! A fun little brain-teaser of a piece … use the right hand to pluck the open strings and the left hand to gently tap the body of the violin!

Level: Level 1

Topics: pizzicato, patterns

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Coconut Milk

Title: Coconut Milk

Description: Mm-mmmm ... make your bowing and your string crossings smooth and creamy in this delicious, nutritious piece in ¾ time. No jerky arm movements! Glug glug …

Level: Level 1

Topics: 3/4 time, String Crossing

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Snowy Owl

Title: Snowy Owl

Description: Keep a steady pulse of three in a bar and create a sound as majestic and mysterious as the snowy owl! Not too loud or you’ll scare away the lemmings!

Level: Level 1


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