
Title: Firewalk

Description: Ooh! … Ow! … Oh! … Ouch! … Oof! … Owwww! Not for the faint-hearted … see if you can make it to the end of each line, dancing along the scorching hot stave!

Level: Level 1


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Cutting the Cake

Title: Cutting the Cake

Description: Practise your counting and subdividing (cutting the cake!) and make sure you’re being fair! Each bar has 3 beats, so that’s three equal slices of cake! Mm … mmm!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Even Subdivisions in 3/4 time

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Pit - Sea - Car - Toe

Title: Pit - Sea - Car - Toe

Description: Produce perfect plucking... pronto! Pit - Sea - Car - Toe promotes punchy pizzicato practice, progressively pacing proceedings. Progress your pizzicato with pizzazz!

Level: Level 1

Topics: pizzicato

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Title: Peanut Butter and Jelly

Description: A delicious, nutritious piece for newbies. Choose which string is peanut butter and which one is jelly! Cross strings smoothly for a succulent, gelatinous combo!

Level: Level 1


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Title: Open-and-Shut

Description: A great beginner piece featuring open string notes and rests (the silences in between). Try it in 4/4 and then, twice as fast, in 2/4! Open-and-shut ... case closed!!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Rhythmic Augmentation, Rhythmic Diminution

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!

Plink, Plonk

Title: Plink, Plonk

Description: Use the 3rd finger of the left hand to plink-plonk-pluck the strings! Usually we use the right hand, but the little plus sign (+) tells you to use the left hand instead!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Left Hand Pizzicato

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!

One Scoop, Or Two

Title: One Scoop, Or Two

Description: Oooooh … … decisions … decisions!! Tuck in to this yummy little piece and watch out for the tied notes at the end of each line … looks like two notes but it’s one!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Ties

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Ups and Downs

Title: Ups and Downs

Description: What goes up must come down! Aim for fluid, graceful arm motions and land the bow smoothly onto the string. Make nice big circles with your arm during the rests!

Level: Level 1

Topics: Up, Down

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Hobnob the Goblin

Title: Hobnob the Goblin

Description: Oo-er! Who goes there?! Make sure you get all the rhythms right or Hobnob the Goblin will chide you! There’s nothing Hobnob loves more than chiding!

Level: Open Strings

Topics: Minims, Crotchets, Quavers, Semiquavers

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!

Slice and Dice

Title: Slice and Dice

Description: Chop up the semibreves into minims, crotchets and quavers (whole notes into halves, quarters, and eighths). Watch out for your fingers … eek … you’ll need those!

Level: Open Strings

Topics: Semibreves, Minims, Crotchets, Quavers

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!

Full Circle

Title: Full Circle

Description: Play with whole bows and then, during the rests, make nice big circles with the bow in the air. This will really help you to get used to the feel of the bow.

Level: Open Strings

Topics: Semibreves, Retakes

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!

Slugging Away

Title: Slugging Away

Description: A piece for long, slow bows featuring long, slow whole notes (semibreves). Try to use the whole bow for a smoooooooth, resonant sound!

Level: Open Strings

Topics: Semibreves

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!


Title: Rock-Paper-Scissors

Description: Time for a nice friendly game of Rock-Paper-Scissors! Cross the strings from low to high, high to low, and then find out who wins! One … Two … Three … ??????!!

Level: Open Strings

Topics: Minims, Crotchets, Quavers

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!

Three Pizz Suite

Title: Three Pizz Suite

Description: Here’s a set of three short pieces for beginner violinists to try out the pizzicato (string-plucking) technique, using a selection of different rhythms!

Level: Open Strings

Topics: Pizz, Minims, Crotchets

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!

Good Dogs Always Eat

Title: Good Dogs Always Eat

Description: Never forget the names of the violin’s strings with our favourite mnemonic – Good Dogs Always Eat. From lowest to highest, thickest to thinnest: G, D, A, E!

Level: Open Strings

Topics: Minims, Crotchets

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This download is for ViolinSchool members only! Click here to become a Member of ViolinSchool and get instant access to all library downloads!


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