London School: Summer Term Update

Updated: April 17, 2020

London School: Summer Term Update

We are revising our plan for the Summer Term at ViolinSchool London, in line with new UK Government guidelines and lockdown extensions.

A full update will be published here by Wednesday 22nd April.

We can already confirm:

  • The start date of the Summer Term will be postponed by two weeks, and classes will now begin in the week commencing 4th May.
  • The first half of the term will be delivered online through a combination of online courses, live Zoom classes, and video exchange.
  • Registration and late enrolment will be extended until the end of May, and we hope to offer a limited number of reduced enrolment fees to those who need them.

If you are a new student booked into a beginner class or course, we will contact you individually in the coming days to make sure you are set up correctly with an instrument.

If you are a continuing student, your membership will be extended until the end of August, and we will contact you before the end of April to welcome you to the new term.

Please check back here after Wednesday 22nd April for the revised Summer Term plan.

Thank you, and keep safe!

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