New Daily Lessons from ViolinSchool!

Updated: August 31, 2020

New Daily Lessons from ViolinSchool!

How was your summer? We spent about 80% of it locked in a dark room, hunched over computers and violins, writing and editing a very large number of lessons for you ... it's been a lot of work, but totally worth it, we hope!

Every day from 1st September, we'll be releasing a new lesson for you on ... and you'll find everything right here on the blog!

We'll have lessons from across Courses A, B, C and D, as well as our new Starter Course, and ViolinSchool members will be able to log in and download beautiful new printed sheets for every lesson.

Simon, David, Marisol and Caroline will be teaching the new lessons throughout the term, and as all classes are now recorded, we'll take the video highlights of each class and add them as tutorial videos to every lesson of the course.

Why not bookmark the blog right now? Then it's easy for you to check in and see what's new.

Also, take a moment to subscribe to our YouTube channel ... we've got some fun videos coming out in the next few days ... so watch this space!

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