A new site for our London School (ViolinSchool London)

Updated: July 13, 2017

A new site for our London School (ViolinSchool London)

We're delighted to present a brand new website for ViolinSchool London:


This new site is separate from our main eLearning platform at www.ViolinSchool.com, and features up to date information about all of our London-based tuition and events, including calendars and booking forms, plus details of our...

Our studio at 15 Palace Street (Victoria) is now open for One to One lessons every day from 10am (already learning with us? Click here for the main online booking form!). Simon teaches Monday to Thursday, and David from Friday to Sunday. Lessons are available until 8pm weekdays most days (10pm weekends). New students - we have a £29 introductory lesson offer until September - full details on this page!

Our new Ensemble Sessions (like the Violin Orchestra, but with smaller groups!) start on Saturday 5th August and run fortnightly throughout August and September. Our full Autumn program including the next Violin Orchestra project will also be announced in a few weeks. Do let us know if there are any particular topics you'd like us to include in our Autumn classes, and keep the suggestions coming for pieces you'd like us to arrange for the Ensembles or the Violin Orchestra!

Here's the address again: http://london.violinschool.com/


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41 Whitcomb Street
London, WC2H 7DT

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