Spring Show: Saturday 2nd April

Updated: April 1, 2022

Spring Show: Saturday 2nd April

This year's Spring Show will be hosted at our London school at 5pm London time (4pm UTC) on Saturday 2nd April.

Although we won't be livestreaming this time (remote participants will be on Zoom as usual), we are recording the event and highlights will be released on YouTube afterwards.

There will be performances by groups from both the Adult and Child courses, as well as the ViolinSchool Ensembles.

The music includes: Danse Macabre, Rieding Violin Concerto, Pastime with Good Company, Bourrée by Bach, Galop, He's a Pirate, and much more!

Guests are welcome! There is no guestlist, and no ticketing - you can just turn up (Yes, after two years of Covid restrictions, this feels odd for us too!).

The venue in London (UK) is:

Pimlico Academy, Lupus Street, Pimlico, London SW1V 3AT
Date/Time: Saturday 2nd April, 5pm London time (4pm UTC)

After the concert, there will be a fiddle jam session and everyone is invited! (no entry fee). The address is:

The Grosvenor, 79 Grosvenor Rd, Pimlico, London SW1V 3LA
Music starts at 7.30pm, food and drink will be available.


Here is the concert programme:

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