The Violin Orchestra Begins This Weekend In London!

Updated: June 10, 2019

The Violin Orchestra Begins This Weekend In London!

First rehearsal this Saturday - 15th June!

It's Violin Orchestra time!

The Violin Orchestra rehearsing in London

If you're in the UK, then come to our London School and join in with The Violin Orchestra!

The first rehearsal takes place this weekend (Saturday 15th June), and then we rehearse weekly on Saturday afternoons (Ensembles from 2pm, Orchestra from 3.30pm to 6pm) in Pimlico, SW1.

Orchestra repertoire will include The Devil's Trill by Tartini, and there will be Ensembles for every level, including chamber music by Bach and Handel, traditional Scottish and Irish folk music, and much more!

The Violin Orchestra is open to everyone - all ages and experience levels are welcome! - and music is arranged especially for the group, so there's a part for you whatever your technical level... whether you're an advanced player, or a beginner playing open strings!

Click here to find out more about the Violin Orchestra, and to register today!

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