This Week at ViolinSchool (Week 1, January 2023)

Updated: January 3, 2023

This Week at ViolinSchool (Week 1, January 2023)

Happy New Year and welcome to ViolinSchool's Programs in 2023!

Live classes start again this Thursday, the 5th of January, and Saturday classes begin again next week on the 14th of January.

You can find the full updated schedule on our website, in the 'live' section.

Remember, you can take part in our live classes from anywhere. All you need is a decent internet connection!

Let's take a look at what's coming up this week:

In the Starter hour, as ever, we'll be revising the Fundamentals, and looking at how to create a beautiful sound.

If you've just started learning the violin, or you've been given a violin as a Christmas present and want to know where to begin, then make sure to join in for the Starter session.

We'll get you going with good habits from the very first time you play!

In the Beginner hour this week, we'll be centering ourselves in first position in the key of G major.
We'll make sure that all your finger placements are accurate and build up flexibility through finger pattern exercises - a really good activity, especially if you've had a few days or weeks off from playing.

We'll also be learning the Rigaudon by Henry Purcell. If you want to have a sneak preview of the music in advance, you'll find it in the ViolinSchool library, where you can also download a backing track.

In 2023, ViolinSchool members will have backing tracks and sheet music available in advance for almost all live classes. And that starts this week.

For our intermediate session. We'll begin with Dancla's Violin Study No.1, and then play some lovely music by Fritz Kreisler - Rondino on a Theme by Beethoven.

There's a Baroque piece to start off the Advanced class in the form of Telemann's Canonic Sonata No.3, and we'll be working on string crossings as well.

ViolinSchool's live classes are all about focusing on what YOU need, RIGHT NOW! So if you have any specific topic or repertoire requests, please let us know.

If you're not already enrolled for the upcoming sessions, you can sign up today, if you don't need the live classes and just want access to our backing tracks and video tutorials, then choose a low-cost membership for instant access to everything else on

Sign up today at

And from all of us here at Violin School, we wish you a very happy New Year and one that's full of the joy of music!

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