ViolinSchool 2020

Updated: December 31, 2019

ViolinSchool 2020

Here's a little bit of news about what’s coming up at ViolinSchool in the next few months…

More Online Lessons & Courses
From January on, we‘ll be releasing several new and upgraded lessons each week on

You’ll be able to follow what’s new on our daily blog, and the top new videos will be sent out through social media and our weekly emails as well.

We'll be releasing a lot more video, including loads on our YouTube channel - so if you're not already subscribed, do click over to YouTube and follow us there!

On itself, there’ll be lots of premium video tutorials, to help you with all the details of the music theory as well as the violin technique.

Digital Music Player
You may have already seen the lovely new digital notation player starting to appear on some pages at

The good news is that we are now going to roll it out to almost *all* of the music and exercises in our library, and to all of the lessons in our courses as well!

The player lets you listen to each piece but it also allows you to speed it up, slow it down, loop it, cut out some of the parts, and more.

You can even see a visualisation of where to place your fingers on the fingerboard, as you listen to the music.

It’s a really great tool for practice, and we’ve already seen some amazing results from learners who have started to use it, so if you haven’t already done so, please give it a try!

Printed Books
In 2019, we created our first two printed books, featuring activity-based lessons for beginners.

The books are designed in a clean, easy-to-follow sequence that matches up directly with the online courses, and they’re great fun for learners of all ages.

We’ll make these available publicly during 2020, and there are loads more to come as well - so stay tuned!


All of us here at ViolinSchool are looking forward to helping you learn and achieve your goals in 2020 ... Here’s to a great New Year!

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