Tell me, why do you use those PARTITIONS?

Updated: April 6, 2017

Tell me, why do you use those PARTITIONS?

David and I once came off stage in Switzerland after a concert, and as we were returning to the dressing room, a man approached us with a big grin on his face and said, in possibly the strongest Irish accent I've ever heard...

"Tell me boys ... why do you use those partitions?"

"Erm, sorry, the ... ??"

"The partitions lads, the partitions!"


"Yes lads ... you didn't seem look at them once, so why do you need them partitions?"

This awkward conversation went on for quite some time, until we finally worked out what he was talking about!

We didn't realise that, in French, the word for 'sheet music' is 'partition'... Turns out he wasn't referring to a structure that divides up space - he was asking about the sheet music we were using!!

Anyway, since that day, the ViolinSchool team has always referred not to 'sheet music', but to 'partitions' (usually said in an Irish accent!)

So it's with great pleasure and excitement that we introduce to you our all-new...

Library of Partitions!

Our new sheet music (partition!) library contains hundreds of pieces of sheet music for ViolinSchool members to download and print.

We're adding more partitions every week, and members can even request pieces or songs for us to arrange (subject to copyright!).

If you're not yet a member, just send us a quick message and we'll be happy to email you a few free Partitions to try! (just tell us which ones you'd like to have)

Here's what's new in the updated library:

  • Much faster, easier to load
  • All sections on one page - see everything at a glance
  • Full preview of each partition, so you can see each piece before you download it, no extra clicking necessary!
  • One-click downloads when you're logged in as a member
  • Video Lessons for selected partitions
  • 'Other Videos' - featured performances and recordings from around the web.
  • Optimised for mobile and tablet so you can download and print easily from any device in a couple of seconds

I'd love to hear what you think about the new sheet music library. Do leave a comment below and let me know! Enjoy 🙂

- Simon HJ

p.s. if you'd like to download all the partitions and everything else that ViolinSchool has to offer, become a member today! We'll send you a welcome pack in the mail, full of great violin books to give a boost to your violin practice!

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